Waxing During Pregnancy & Beyond

Let me start this blog by saying… I’ve been there!  Three times, in fact!  While those pregnancy hormones may give you a lovely fresh-faced glow (well, at the start anyway!) as well as beautiful hair and nails, I am definitely no stranger to the joys of those hormones also producing luscious locks in other areas of your body!  Fortunately your hair should return to normal – usually about 6 months after giving birth, but in the meantime you may need some help keeping everything under control.  And, to be fair, even if you didn’t have the extra hair, you’ll probably start to struggle with general maintenance anyway after a certain point!


The good news is that waxing is perfectly safe during pregnancy, some would say safer than shaving (if you can’t see what you’re doing) and definitely safer than depilatory creams (there’s limited knowledge about how much is absorbed and therefore passed across the placenta).  Some women do find that their skin sensitivity is slightly raised during this time (thanks again, hormones!), but most find that it isn’t to a level that stops them having a wax.  Many women find that an intimate and leg wax really makes them feel fresher and more comfortable, and as it lasts so much longer than shaving (and without the uncomfortable stubble!) it is a great choice for a bit of self care.  No more getting your partner to have a go with a razor, or contorting yourself with a mirror to try and reach!


I’m fully aware of the difficulties in movement some ladies have, especially towards the end of their pregnancies, and my heart goes out to those with conditions such as SPD.  We have an electric bed, that can sink down low so it’s easy to get onto, with adjustable back and knees to make sure you’re as comfortable as possible during your treatment.  A lot of pregnant ladies have passed through our doors (and then subsequently with their scrummy babies!) so I am absolutely used to people needing to be in weird and wonderful positions to get the best results!  It’s never too close to your due date to book in – we’ve had a baby arrive just two days after Mum had a full body wax!


Post-birth, I’ve seen all the stretch marks, and I’m no stranger to episiotomy and c-section scars, wobbly tums and leaky boobs!  Some women are concerned about their body after giving birth, but I can assure you that, having been through it myself, I understand and am entirely non judgemental.  You can pick up your waxing routine again as soon as you’ve been given the all clear from your midwife and you feel ready.  If you’ve had a c section or episiotomy I will wax around the scar for 6 months, to ensure you are fully healed.

So, if you’re ready to have a bit of help keeping trim, or you’ve had your baby and are ready to start reclaiming your body, book your appointment now via the Book Now! Tab.  If you have any questions at all, please do call or drop us an email or WhatsApp, we are always happy to have a chat!